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    Ofelia..Thanks..for keeping me grounded in the real world,
    you're the anchor that keeps me from floating away.

    my sweet Ofelia
    I'm an Artist, cartoonist, and musician

    I believe the final hours of mankind are
    upon us,I'm just here for the ride.

    As our planet spins at a thousand miles per hour, as our technology flourishes to unknown heights, as we become ever more advanced...remember...the few people who invented the new machines, who created the new processes, who designed the new microchips... who won the Nobel Peace Prizes and advanced our technology to the point of near infinity ....they... are the smart ones...they are the advanced ones... the other 99.6 percent of us are still monkeys, monkeys with technology.

    Bruce Fitch

    I'm Bruce Fitch, feeling like an alien, I'm stuck here on this earth...too bad its set to self destruct in the near future. Does that sound negative?, well, that is one point of view...but let's admit that there are many "points"..of..view, many of us stand at different "points" from which we view... from which we view the world, let's not ever assume that our point of view is correct simply because it's the only "point" of reference that we bother to consider... and please don't have a mind that is small enough to believe that a common point of view is a universally correct one. What I mean is...if you believe it's negative for me to speak of the near total annihilation of our species and of the groaning earth and it's eventual demise, then just remember that's just "Your" point of view.

    Now..for the basic facts about me me me.

    I was born in 1965, I've played piano starting at around 10 years old, I've played guitar for twenty years now, I've been drawing all of my life, I just started to oil paint about six years ago, I've drawn about 130 or so cartoons, I've been trying to get a cartoon book together, but as with most things, it takes more money than I have to get a book going, you also must sell about 10,000 books to break even, meaning after you sell that ten thousandth book it brings you back up from negative dollars to "ZERO" dollars,.. well it could happen to me someday, but I've been having ambition problems for a few years now, I can't seem to stoke up that flame again, it seems reaching middle age drains the childhood dreams out of you, I just have to kickstart it again somehow. But how do you do it when there's nothing left? No....., I'm not that far gone,... I just don't care ,there's a difference. Now I just try to focus on the existential stuff like buying the food, paying the mortgage, and floating through life like a consciousness that isn't grounded anymore.

    There's a space in my mind that is as large as the universe..... and it's filled with absolutely nothing.

    "That was a quote from ME"
    I quoted myself...

    Well, I don't really expect anyone to
    read this far but if you have...
    I'm glad...why..I don't really know.
    Maybe I am just a lonely sole.

    Well as usual, I start to write something basic, light,and topical...and I get all deep within the labyrinths of my mind. I don't suppose I could keep anything simple, this was supposed to be a mere Bio, but instead it turns into a glimpse of my subconscious, it's like I swung open a door to my mind showing you but a taste of it's dark inner workings and you scream and throw your hands in front of your face reflexively,...but still..your feet are frozen in place, because...maybe...you want to know more.

    And...you will know more, I plan to continue writing things that nobody reads, I'll add to the writings here... from the internal rhetoric of my unquiet mind.

    go back home

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