I fell back in love with printmaking about a year ago when I started playing with images in my mind that I saw as prints. The main reason I had stayed away was that printmaking as I had done it years ago was that is was so toxic. Since I like working in my studio, and not at a university, I wanted to be able to set up on my own. I didn't have a press, but a friend who is a potter and was also interested in doing some printmaking, had a slab roller for clay. After a lot of trial and error, we actually found a way to get reasonable prints from it. I quickly wanted more and better control and bought myself a small Takach press. It is a beautifully crafted piece of machinery that I am very pleased to have purchased. Here are some results of this love affair. If you go to the prints I will try to briefly explain the techniques used in each one. Should you be interested in purchasing a print, please send me an e-mail. If you would like to purchase a print, click here.
Lute My husband is a composer for both lute and guitar and plays both beautifully. The rosette of the lute was an inspiration since they are chip carved directly into the top wood of the lute. It was a good place to try out several technical processes. (Look for his website at http://www.guitarandlute.com)
Trio I am quit touched by the joyousness of small chamber groups. I did this sketch while at a concert and decided to make it into a print.
Reintegration Energy can exist without matter and many share the idea of some form of energy continuing after the death of the body. This can be interpreted on many levels.
Shadow Portrait I like the thought that shadows could have a life of their own, that there are many things learned through quantum physics that are outside the experience of our senses.
Everything to Build With I Little exists in a vacuum and we are influenced and build upon what has been created before.
Everything to Build With II There is so much art of different cultures and the past that I couldn't stop with number 1.
Superstring Quantum physics has been looking for a unifying theory of the universe. An idea gaining acceptance is that the smallest unit that is found in everything is a tiny vibrating string. This is an early attempt to express that thought.
I Was Once a Child What child every thinks that what they want to be when they grow up is a person who investigates nuclear fall-out?
Waiting to Fall into Life, Falling into Life, Falling Out of Life I often get ideas from a line in a book and this is one of them. The minute I read it I immediately saw this image, and expanded it into a triptych. I also did a series of sculptures about it.
Jumping This idea literally jumped into my head. I liked the idea of doing a simple black and white etching based totally on contrast and tone.
Flying I had these images in a file that I keep of ideas and they grow into completed artworks. I like the thought of being able to fly out of yourself and be totally free.
Raven I enjoy life drawing and this was an image I create in our group one night. I liked the pose and the balance and decided to create a print from it.
Mists of Time My husband wrote a tune with this for the title. It is a Celtic piece and when I heard it I saw this image.
Just Water Portraying water is a challenging prospect. This is actually the water plate from the two plate print that follows, Floating. When I did that piece and was proofing the water plate, I really liked it on its own and decided to print it out as it's own entity.
Floating I always like the images of objects floating in space and/or water. I decided to create this etching so that the floating would feel either peaceful or a bit eerie.
Weighted Forms I was attracted to the idea of portraying weight and the heaviness of form.
Music Senses I was thinking about the ways in which we expericnce music and realized it came through all our senses. It is a total experience and not just one of hearing.
Through My Window I have always been tantalized by windows and what they conceal about what is going on behind them. There is an inner world that we all have.
Amelia I loved the sway this flexible model gave to the usual standing pose and decided to make a print of it.
AmeliaII Another wonderful pose. The figure is an endless source of form.
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